Johann Theodor Roemhildt
Kommt, ihr Herzen, kommt ihr Lippen
Johann Daniel Pucklitz
Ist Jemand in Christo
Johann Jeremias du Grain
Willkommen, Erlöser der Eden
Johann Daniel Pucklitz
Denen zu Zion wird ein Erlöser kommen
Johann Theodor Roemhildt
Nun danket alle Gott
Friedrich Christian Mohrheim
Preise Jerusalem den Herrn
Even more off the beaten track than the music of W.F. Bach lie the Christmas cantatas of 18th-century Gdansk, the music of Johann Jeremias du Grain, Friedrich Christian Mohrheim, Johann Daniel Pucklitz and Johann Theodor Roemhildt performed by the Goldberg Baroque Ensemble/Andrzej Mikołaj Szadejko…. all worth exploring if you’re tired of the same old repertoire at Christmas.- Brian Wilson, Goeffrey Molyneux, MusicWeb
(…) the album is no longer available on CD. A pity, though… to exhaust the print run with little-known Baroque music is perhaps the best possible review of the musicians’ work. It makes one’s hands fold in applause…- Classic Sunday